New sales offices opened

In order to further strengthen customer service, Fortaco has opened three new sales offices manned with experienced manufacturing professionals who are able to guide you through the whole manufacturing supply chain. Run by Peter Green, Fortaco AB is located in Southern part of Sweden. Fortaco BV in Netherlands with Harald van der Broek in command and Fortaco GmbH with Frank Elert in Germany serve our Central-European customers. All offices provide you with a single touch point to the full scope of our manufacturing service for even the most demanding jobs you can imagine. Peter’s, Harald’s and Frank’s aim is to help you to optimize your supply chain to the full extent. Stay in touch!

Mariusz Majdanik Appointed Director, Janów Lubelski

Mariusz Majdanik (Director, Fortaco Janów Lubelski Production) has been appointed as the Director of Fortaco's site in Janów Lubelski, Poland, as of 23 May 2013. In his new role Mariusz will be leading the development of Janów Lubelski site business and cooperation with all related stakeholders. Mariusz will be reporting to Juha Simola, Executive Vice President, Business Unit Poland.