Narva factory extension timelapse
Ever wondered, what does it look like to build a 10 000 m2 factory? Our partner Rand & Tuulberg not only did a great job as our partner in the factory extension project, they also filmed and edited an enjoyable clip for us to watch.
Layer by layer the magic was made - thank you for a good cooperation!
Construction Equipment Forum 2020 goes virtual
The aim for Construction Equipment Forum Nov 30 - Dec 1 is to network the players along the entire value chain within the construction equipment industry, even across national borders, and enable exchange of knowledge and experience. In order to ensure the aim for CEF will be achieved, it has been decided to arrange the conference as virtual, due to recent development in the spread of Corona virus.
The management conference brings together the players in the entire value creation chain within the construction machinery industry. More than 500 manufacturers, suppliers and customers from all sectors will exchange information in virtual during two days, make new contacts, and enrich each other's lives. The event is rounded off by a virtual innovation exhibition with 60 inspiring solutions and products.
Fortaco Group will also participate by a virtual stand. Dr. Rafal Sornek, Senior Vice President, Fortaco Technology, will give an online presentation on “Residual value of a machine - value enhancement through combination of IoT and blockchain technologies”.
Read more about the Speakers & Experts:
We are inviting you to register and visit the conference by using this link:
Welcome – and see you in virtual!