Season's Greetings
We want to express our appreciation for the trust received from our customers and business partners in 2018. Fortaco Vehicle Assembly, Vehicle Cabin and Steel Fabrication businesses continue growing, and we are proud for the new Fortaco Technology unit, which was introduced beginning of 2018 to support research and product development programs for our customers.
The world is rapidly changing towards the clean environment, electrification and digitalization. By working together we can speed up implementation of efficient customer products.
Instead of traditional Christmas gifts, Fortaco has made a donataion to charity.
We wish you and your colleagues a Peaceful and Blessed Christmas Time and a Successful Year 2019.
Steel fabrication goes digital with RapidSteel project
There was a sound of champagne bottle opening in our office last September. Our project proposal for testing a new approach to the simultaneous design of product and process, has been positively evaluated by the Polish research agency, and we have been awarded a research grant.
But, what really is the target of the RapidSteel project? The focus is on a totally new digital toolchain starting from the fleet data collection and analytics, rethinking of product architecture and manufacturing process, and the target is to reduce weight, lower costs, shorten product development and introduction of lead time to market. Also, the target is to robotize and automatize production process, while making it even more flexible, and to increase the usage of data on decision making. Less tangible, but equally important is to gain new competencies.
Fortaco will execute this project together with Wroclaw University of Technology, which is helping us with all structural analytics, and with West Pomerania University, where Professor Pietrusewicz is supporting us with the introduction of a model-based design into the development process of steel components. We are extremely excited in Fortaco about this project to further shape our industry.