Opportunities On Solid Experience
Marko Manninen, a foreman at Fortaco Kalajoki factory, needs no introduction. Known as a hardworking, responsible and straightforward person, he has worked at Fortaco for 22 years in various roles. Those roles contain positions in different…
People of Steel
If you can dream it in high-strength steel, Fortaco Jászberény can probably make it. If it’s made of high-strength or mild steel and weighs between 100 kilograms and 60 tons, Sebastian Kun and his team at Fortaco in Jászberény, Hungary, can probably…
Building New Opportunities
The new factory in Narva was launched this autumn, signifying a milestone in the industrial development of the region. The factory extension project was kicked-off in 2015, when lack of space, capacity constraints and overload of new project…
The Sorcery of Sourcing
Want to optimize costs in sourcing? The best method is to gain an intimate understanding of your suppliers’ products and technologies. It’s perhaps no coincidence that the word “sourcing” sounds a lot like “sorcery.” A good sourcing manager can…
Changing a Culture
When a culture improves, KPIs follow. Anna Młynarczyk-Widomska holds a Master of Engineering degree from Cracow University, though as fate would have it she never worked as an engineer. Right out of school she got a job in selling technical…
From Safety Cop to Safety Culture
Changing the way safety is viewed in an organization. Safety has traditionally been a matter of compliance. Pity the safety specialist, the compliance officer responsible for filling out reports, recording infractions and sending information to…
Residual Value: Beyond the Holy Trinity
How data will eventually impact residual value, total cost of ownership, and transform heavy-equipment financing. “Hours of use, type of use, and maintenance record. These are the three things that matter when calculating residual value,” said a…
Opportunities Beyond Obstacles
Every cloud has a silver lining – Petra Špačková’s motto, and more thoughts about her quarantine times during Corona virus crisis. Special circumstances require special solutions – and those solutions would not be created with ordinary thinking. As…
True Believer
Agnieszka Koziara’s goal is to create conditions that allow teams to play to win, rather than playing not to lose. Fifteen years ago Agnieszka Koziara began her career as an executive assistant. Her direct supervisor was from Sweden. "As a Pole it…
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